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Terms & Conditions

We strongly suggest that you read, and understand, our standard Terms and Conditions as outlined on this page. Please contact studyTEFL if you have any questions relating to these terms. 

  1. After full payment of fees you should receive course access details (password) immediately via email, but please allow up to one calendar day (24 hours). Please keep your login details secure.
  2. Full technical support is included with our online course. Our content is clear and understandable. You also have a world of knowledge at your fingertips on internet search engines and online libraries. However, studyTEFL staff will happily answer your basic, course-related inquiries and offer technical support free of charge. Under normal circumstances, we will respond to any technical inquiries within twelve (12) hours, but please allow up to forty-eight (48) hours.
  3. Each unit quiz requires 60% to proceed but you are free to move between units and take quizzes at any time and in any order. If there are any issues with quiz scores, we will contact you.
  4. Students must achieve a final quiz score of seventy percent (70%) or above – the usual British standard for an A grade pass. Upon completing all unit quizzes, the final quiz link and password will be sent to your provided email address. 
  5. You may re-sit the final exam up to three times (3). We will provide detailed feedback if you fail the first final exam, however.  
  6. We do our utmost to ensure that you receive the best training and service possible. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service provided by us, then please let us know by emailing or through the studyTEFL contact page.
  7. Every endeavor is made to ensure that digital certificates reach the successful student by email within three (3) working days of completion of the course. The online version of this certificate is usually visible within three (3) working days, but this process may take longer in some cases. If you have not received your test score by email within five (5) working days of submitting the final exam, please contact studyTEFL for assistance. 
  8. studyTEFL will refund payments for online courses on request, but the refund request must be made via email within fourteen (14) days of the payment submission, and you must not have started your online course in order to receive a full refund. The fourteen (14) day period counts as a ‘cooling-off period’ unless content has been accessed beyond the free units. 
  9. By sending any quiz, you are deemed to have begun your course and to have acknowledged that your right to a full refund without deductions for your online studyTEFL course is lost. Refunds given after students access any quizzes are subject to incremental reductions as outlined below in term 10.
  10. Refunds provided by studyTEFL will incur set deductions from the refund total at a fixed cost of three United States dollars (US$3) per unit accessed up to the full course total, and must fall into the time stipulation outlined in Term 9 (above). 
  11. Students may request a free, downloadable PDF textbook which includes the studyTEFL course reading material shown on the website. This is included in the course fee but requires that students request the download link via an online form viewable on the course page.
  12. Students who request & receive the full course PDF textbook by email or contact form waive their right to a full course refund regardless of how many days have passed since they paid for the course (this content is non-returnable and, therefore, voids any right to a full refund if received). This digital content is covered under law (e.g. EU law) and protects studyTEFL from parting with digital content without fair compensation. Students who receive the digital course textbook and then proceed to cancel the course and seek a refund within the fourteen (14) day period will receive a refund minus fourteen United States dollars (US$14) as well as fees stipulated in term 10 for non-public units accessed during the period of study.
  13. All refunds must be processed through the original card used for the purchase. Any credit card processing fees are the responsibility of the refunded student, and it may not be possible to change cards due to security reasons. 
  14. If, for any reason, you subsequently wish to cancel your online course after the fourteen (14) days has expired, studyTEFL cannot provide a refund. The course organizer’s decision is final. Please try our content in the free lessons to ensure you like the delivery methods.
  15. You have up to six (6) months to complete the 120-hour studyTEFL online course from the date of purchase or your access will be locked and you may need to pay an additional fee to continue with an extension. 
  16. If you wish to extend your online course deadline then you must contact the studyTEFL administration before your deadline. An additional payment of twenty United States dollars (US$20) will be required to extend your course for three (3) additional months.
  17. Courses are non-transferable. In other words, once you begin one studyTEFL course, you may not change it to another studyTEFL course, should we decide to provide other courses in the future. 
  18. All units include text content. However, not all units include videos. The course is designed to be exactly as it is delivered to you (minus any technical faults), meaning that you are not entitled to audio, video, and text on every lesson unless it has been intended to be provided. The majority of units include videos to support the text content, but text is the main method of instruction. 
  19. Students should try our free lessons to check if this method of delivery suits their needs before signing up.
  20. By clicking the studyTEFL course payment button on the website you are agreeing to accept all of these conditions.



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